
Song of January 2009

This month has been very electronic in my playlist selections. Massive Attack, Juno Reactor and Rob Dougan are some of the most frequent artists reoccurring on my mp3-player at the moment. Dark and evil songs about death should do fine for January of 2009 considering the war in Gaza and the economy crisis. But why not highlight the other big, hopefully happy, changes: president-elect Obama moves into the White House and it's my first term at university. So the song I've chosen is not Left me for Dead or Nitrogen but Divinity
The Future Sound of London

(formerly known as Amorphous Androgynous)(OPEN in Spotify). The song is from their album The Isness, which is probably their best album (available at iTunes Store). A strumming guitar (in major chords only to make it extra happy), a sitar, and other acoustic instruments are helped by electronic effects to produce something in the direction of world-electronic-music (I think alternative is implied).

I could have chosen many of the songs on this album, like Go Tell it to the Trees Egghead, or Meadows. But it is the vocals that make the song stand out. It's not that they're good or that they are advanced. It's rather the alternative singing appeals to me and can be found in Galaxial Pharmaceutical and Mello Hippo Disco Show.

If you don't like electronic or acoustic music this is not for you. If you on the other hand love acoustic and electronic music and you long for the summer and better times this is for you…


Malin said...

Spam spam spam spam!

When are you leaving?!

Ruub said...

Haha, I'm leaving wednesday the 28th. And my first lesson is the 2nd of february 0815 = hell!